July 22

About Me

The process of the making of the Akamakma books

Hello, my name is Aqua,

I live in Australia, QLD, I have multiply interest. My first main interest is gaming and making things, I love games cause I am a major geek from time to time and I love doing DIYs, if I could I ever have more time to complete them, that would be nice. I like animals and mythology and Greek/Latin mythical creatures. I am not good with naming plants, but they are interesting to look at and study.

I do have a few hoppies with Gaming being number one. I play such games as Minecraft, Halo and ALOT MORE (I said this because I can’t remember them all). My second favourite hobby is Horse Riding, I have been bucked off once, and bitten once. My third favourite hobby is DIYs and making paintings, books (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).

I love making puns and I will do this every 1-2 posts, if I remember. I hate and despise being called short and I hate liquorice and most marshmallows. I can speak one language, Japanese which I am not really amazingly good at yet.

Anyway that is  basically, I can be a little weird and messed up from time to time, heads up.

ANYWAY! bye bye~

Aqua out- =^.^= baba~