August 30

My List of Netiquette Rules

I am back 🙂

To First start off what is Netiquette? Netiquette means ‘The correct and right way of using the internet’, but for a longer one using ( etiquette 3. the code of ethical behavoir regarding professional practice or action amoug the members of a profession in their dealings with each other.


This means that when talking face to if one is joking that the other can see their face and understand this, if it is straight and serious or foolish, meaning what someone means behind their text.

Taking Etiquette and adding an N to the beginning becomes Netiquette how you would expect the reader to read your text. Example of this is when tying how ever is: This is awesome, makes it very ‘plan’ adding  an !exclamtion mark to the end, enphasizes the word awesome. Putting it in all caps (capitals) makes it so that you’re “shouting” the word AWESOME! (you did it huh?).


Anyways here are 5 rules:

1. Don’t post ANY of your personal info out to the world, this is the internet meaning that it will always be here, it can be printed, copies, re-posted and many more by people you won’t know. Your personal info means you whole name, where you live, your age (mainly if your under 18) and YOUR WHOLE PERSONAL LIFE!!!

2. Don’t post photos and/or videos of others without out their promission, again manily if they are under 18, they may even be younger then 16-13, so you will have to ask for promission from parents.

3. Don’t post anything and tell nothing about yourself or others to those you don’t know. They may not be friendly.

4. When posting something, make sure it is approprite, as when employers are hiring people these days, they go onto your social media accounts and can decline you for something that you are in or posted. They will look at your digital footprint and decline you, if they  think your unstoodable, because of how you are displayed on the internet.

5. Be SMART! don’t post or send anything to anyone, if you don’t know them. If someone is Cyberbulling you TELL SOMEONE!

BONUS! (making it 6)


August 14


GameOn is a short film about cybersafety. It hits all types of cybersafety, including cyberbullying, disadvantages to playing video games to long, good deals aren’t always the best, read the terms and conditions and don’t post things that include your private life and don’t post photos of yourself to people you don’t know all that well.

In the story, Ryan finds a cell phone ring tone websites, with one ringtone for$3. Turns out that it costs $10 extra per week you use it. Joel and Dean have an addiction to a game called Star Warriors, where they are staying up late and fall asleep in class at school. Ollie is post photos of himself to people on the internet, who supposedly what to be friends with him, who he doesn’t even know. Grace has her website hacked and her best friend is humiliated by one of the posts the hacker posted. This website gives more info about the characters featured in the video:

Image result for #GameOn on Vimeo

The positives about the #GameOn video is that it is a very good resource for students who are learning about cybersafety. They show some of the major contents of using a laptop or computer that people need to be ready for when using any social media or internet platforms. For example: Hacked website or social media account, posting your photo which is on the internet forever, gaming addiction can result in disadvantages, like loss of sleep, money time, etc. It also shows that reading the terms and conditions can help you before it what you buy, and agree to become a more major problem. To understand the characters a littlee more click here:


Some negatives about the #GameOn video is that it doesn’t cover some of the minor threats that people could fall victim to when on the internet. If they were to make another which I would really hope that they do, is to cover some more of the minor problems that can cause some serious problems, like loss of money and virus from FREE STUFF! Emails that are only junk and can cause some really big problems for the victim. This website has a link which gives a little on the teaching resources of the video adn what it is mainly about, from here you can go to the other links present on this post:

Image result for #GameOn on  Vimeo

Overall, it is a really good video that covers all the major problems of using an internet platform. This does have a flaws, but it is still a good platform for people who what to know about cybersafety. This again is only my opinion, but feel free to check it out for yourself:

That is all for now, A out! =^.^= baba~

August 4

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers Use

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Use


Two main advantages for computer usage is Gaming and Research. Beginning with Gaming, gaming is a major part of most computer usage, mainly when people use computers for only gaming. The computer has to be able to run heavy fps games and have a lot of data for such games. Researching is also important in that being a student myself, using a computer is a lot easier than having to go through a lot more books. I don’t research a lot during classes, butmost of the time it for homework and assessments or tasks that we have set out to find the answers to.

For further information on Gaming and Reseraching purposes go here:

Gaming- =A major gaming event, that can tell you alot about games. Research-…/purposes-of-research-exploratory-descriptive-explanatory.html


Image result for disadvantages


Two main disadvantages are for computer use is Gaming and Loss of jobs. Starting again with Gaming is that, when you get to into gaming, called a Gaming addiction it can cost a lot of people a lot more money, through spending money on gaming equipment, games and many, many more gaming stuff. The second one is the loss of jobs, with the human race advancing, our technology advances and robots, androids and IUs. These intelligent machines are now taking over our jobs.  

For further inforamation on Gaming addiction and Loss of jobs got to these websites:

Gaming-  Loss of jobs –


In other words, take care with how you use your computer and be careful.

~Aqua out =^.^= baba~


July 20

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog! 🙂

To help you understand, this blog is gonna be about the production of the Akamakma Book Serise. It  is an imaginative book serise that I’ll be making and producing, Artworks of the book will be posted every now and then, to better help readers understand.

This is all real what the blog is about at the moment, but it will have notifications as to when something new is being added into it.

From Aqua, Hope you stike around. 😊